The Reality of Child Porn – 2

May 10, 2009

Recently another case appeared highlighting the vast chasm between what government, law, and their media puppets would like us to believe:

Child pornography is now seen as ‘the visual record of the sexual abuse of a child, either by adults, other children or which involves bestiality’. (Source)

and the reality:

Rebert said in Dull’s case, “What made them offensive was their graphic nature. A little girl with her bare butt showing, kind of looking over her shoulder.

“It’s a difficult distinction to make. What’s a cute butt and what’s pornographic? (Source)

Rebert is the York County, PA, district attorney. I’m not a district attorney, but I know the difference between a cute butt and pornography. Someone who can’t make that distinction has no business overseeing child pornography charges against a 56 year old grandmother.

The best piece I’ve found on this case is at Reason.

What makes this case extra interesting is the treatment given the grandmother when she was arrested for a picture of “a little girl with her bare butt showing, kind of looking over her shoulder”.

Dull maintains she was handcuffed “tightly in a rough, vigorous and aggressive manner” and slammed into a parked car with enough force that her head bounced off the vehicle, resulting in injuries to her back. (Source)

Why is it that the police felt it was OK to treat a 56 year old grandmother this way? Most likely it was the idea of crimen exceptum.

The clear relationship between the elements that make up the police state, including the inevitable ‘legislative creep’ that makes it possible can be seen from the above. A key sub-element in the doctrines and dogmas is the crimen exceptum, the designated crime for which normal law and the processes of justice are suspended – heresy, witchcraft, being a Jew in Nazi Germany, child sex abuse, child porn, and so on. Note how child porn has been used to transform the Internet into a tool of repression and fear and a powerful device for the police and prosecution state. (Source)

4 Responses to “The Reality of Child Porn – 2”

  1. Mark Says:

    Ok, well presented, well thought out. I am sure you have a really great point there. No, i am not against boylove, child porn, what ever, but i must point out something to you. If you would accept a little opinion?

    What is the point in all that, what you have written here?

    I mean, come on… as if this sorta thing is gonna get you off prison time! At the end of the day… the MAJORITY of the worlds population is against us. the MINORITY are whacking off seeing stars at some pics of some kids being either forced into it or so drugged up and wasted on whiskey that they have no choice but to have sex with thier granddad or father (or mother).

    Only a few percent of kids actually want to have sex with adults. even few WANT to have sex with their own blood relatives. Only a few actually LIKE it.

    So, all this cr*p about “its write coz it sounds logical” or whatever the message is here, isn’t actually doing anyone any favors. just face it. law is law… morality is morality… rules are rules…

    The day that anyone who isn’t into fiddling with thier kids at night, agrees with us looking at child porn and kiddy sex is the day the Earth will boil over.

    The law is always going to be against me and you and all the others out there, it will always treat us very bad, we are next to the devil himself in thier eyes. So just take it as fact… you shag a kid… your nuts are gonna get chewed off by a judge and jury… thats after the cops beat you shitless and the prison queer gives you something to scream about on E-Wing.

    Majority count says… we are the bad guys. So live your life on a ticking time bomb.. one day… you, me, everyone else out there who likes looking at kids… will be hunted down and punished.

    It will never change.

    From a fellow boylover

    Write something more realistic about our chances.

    • cpexplosion Says:

      Mark, I’m not a boy lover. Sorry if you’ve gotten that impression from something I posted. I registered at a site called boy chat and also the sister site called girl chat but I said right away when I introduced myself at those places that I wasn’t a boy lover or a pedophile. I’m aware that this blog was recently linked to from some site called boylinks, but it’s a site I wasn’t aware of before hand and I’ve never visited.

      I’m sorry but I’m not so passive to just face it and accept that “law is law… morality is morality… rules are rules…” when the laws morality and rules are all based on lies, myths, and deliberate distortions of reality.

      I didn’t make CP Explosion because I wanted you to be able to legally whack off to child porn. But I do think you should be able to do it if that’s what floats your boat.

      I made CP Explosion because child porn is a government created bogeyman that’s being used as an excuse to expand the police state, curtail liberties, monitor the Internet, and provide fresh bodies for the nation’s shameful prison industry.

  2. […] remember the case of the Pennsylvania Grandmother, Donna Dull, arrested on child pornography charges […]

  3. feinmann Says:

    Apologies for my late arrival here. Like Mark, I too am attracted to the beauty of young boys, always have been, always will be. But, unlike Mark, I am less resigned.

    I happen to think it is high time that the exact same tyranny and oppression referred to so eloquently by Robert A Heinlein back in 1940, be challenged some seventy years on. The full quote has appeared in this blog before, but is worth repeating again: “Whenever any government, or any church, or anyone else for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects: ‘This book you may not read, this film you may not watch, this image you may not see, this knowledge you may not have,’ then the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives.”

    I happen to think that the juggernaught that is the paradigm of paedosexual persecution can be rendered inert, rather like the virus released by Merlin into Madam Mim, causing her to cough uncontrollably in the wizard’s duel in Disney’s Sword and the Stone. Like a virus, the action of individuals determined enough to take a stand, will be key. One such action is this courageous blog that asks a whole host of searching questions about the conduct of the tyranny and highlights the inhumanity of the oppression. Another is the Newgon website that: “document facts, opinions, arguments, research and testimonies relating to physical attractions and relationships between minors and adults – we strive to expose the positive side of these often condemned facts of life.” Yet another is B4U-Act: “a unique collaborative effort between minor-attracted people and mental health professionals to promote communication and understanding between the two groups. Our goal is unique and unprecedented: to make effective and compassionate mental health care available to individuals who self-identify as minor-attracted and who are seeking assistance in dealing with issues in their lives that are challenging to them. We want to give them hope for productive and fulfilling lives, rather than waiting for a crisis to occur.” For my part, I am in the process of taking the UK Government to the European Court of Human Rights, in connection with its breach of Article 14: the prohibition of discrimination (of my sexual orientation).

    The paradigm mentioned above is well overdue a shifting, and relentlessly raising the profile of the truth in topics such as the reality of child porn, the validity of paedosexuality, the agenda of lawmaker, the agenda of enforcement agency, the arts and societal hypocrisy, the responsibility a child has for his or her own actions hypocrisy, mental health care agencies prejudice, etc., will all help begin this shift.

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